
Taikishin is an oriental martial art, developed by Hanshi Joop Reilman and his father A.Reilman. Joop Reilman is one of the highest graduated martial arts practitioner in Europe, with 50 years experience in full contact Kyokushin Karate, Kung Fu and many others. martial arts.

The above sports are included in Taikishin. From this experience the Taikishin system arose. The core of all techniques is learning to use the strength of the attacker, giving instead of resisting. Taikishin is not a competitive sport , but a full contact defense system .

Are you made of the right stuff and you still want to participate in competitions, that's also possible, of course.

to be used effectively in many situations.

The classes are every Tuesday and Thursday from 18:30 – 19:30.

The training sessions are given in the Sports Hall (mouth hall) in Nieuw-Weeringe.

Raiffeisenstraat 15, 7831 HW Nieuw-Weerdinge

Youth, juniors and seniors train together


In the photo Shihan Joop Reilman and his father A.Reilman

in the photo on the left Sensei Peter Dusseljee in the middle Shihan Joop Reilman on the right Sensei Johan Drent

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